A More Beautiful World: The Power Of Intention

Dear Reader,

Intention is a simple hack I use to direct my imagination to create what matters to me.

Being intentional establishes what I call ‘creative tension’ in my consciousness. Intention purposefully plants a seed of possibility, a seed of my choosing rather than allowing my imagination to run with my default mode of past experience and limiting beliefs.

Every day my intention is to choose where to focus the attention of my imagination so that I live a life of my design.

If you are ready to learn more about the creative potential of imagination to serve your expansion and evolution consider joining my free workshop on 29th November 2023 at 19:00 pm UK to discover the true potential of your imagination.

My passion is to create a more beautiful world one dream at a time and I am excited to share my experience and the technology I now use to harness my imagination.

The promise of this 60 minute workshop is

1. LEARN ABOUT my evolution from a successful but unfulfilled career to an adventurous, meaningful life.

2. DISCOVER how imagination creates your reality and how to harness it to create a reality of your choosing.

3. RECLAIM your agency to choose what you create and therefore the reality you experience.

4. EXPERIENCE a technology that can put you in the driving seat of your life & guarantee that you living your best gifts, talents and contribution.

Register here for A More Beautiful World: Discover The Creative Potential Of Your Imagination

If you know anyone who should come, send them this link via text or email!

Love & Magic


22 Coronation Court, Brewster Gardens, London, England W10 6AL
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Crossing Frontiers

Did you know that imagination is the oldest technology we have available to us for creating? It comes bundled in our consciousness but we don't really LEARN how to use it. I work professionals in transition, spirit-led entrepreneurs and creatives who want to ADD imagination as a tool for illuminating possibilities and accelerating opportunities. Background: 25+ years in Innovation Technology, Natural Success Coach Of The Year 2022. Founder of Evolve 4 Entrepreneurs & Evolve The Gathering, Corfu

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